Our Governance

Derbyshire Pathfinder team review the incoming requests to ensure they are directed in line with the agreed processes and appropriate actions are taken so that Derbyshire Pathfinder continues to be a useful tool to its users.

Derbyshire Pathfinder Clinical Review Group (DP CRG) decide on design and content from a clinical user perspective and review the feedback received from a wide variety of individuals across the Integrated Care System (ICS) on a monthly basis.  The Group currently do not approve clinical guidelines.

New requests, which refer to an addition of for example a new referral form, are considered firstly in terms of clinical approval (new referral forms or pathways) and secondly they will be considered by the Derbyshire Pathfinder Clinical Review Group in terms of priority to ensure the work is allocated in line with the agreed priority areas of work*, and in terms of added value to ensure the information benefits the whole system and the offer is equal across the county.

* The Derbyshire Pathfinder Clinical Review Group agree the priority work areas on an annual basis and in line with wider system priorities.

Agreed by DP CRG 08/12/2021

Alert: Please Note

Please note that this is a clinical resource linked to the Derbyshire Pathfinder project. As such, clinical content is only available for approved organisations.